The agents with a Profile in the Referral Source have made a commitment to referrals and to you, the sending agent. The following is from The Referral Code:
I will work to the best of my ability to help the referred buyer or seller.
I will update the referring agent regularly throughout the transaction.
I will be sure my brokerage pays the agreed referral fee upon closing.
I will abide by the applicable NAR, CREA or AMPI Code of Ethics.
I will send my next referral for her/his service area to the sending agent.
I will encourage the sending agent to join the Referral Source for free.
Click here to Return to Find a Referral Agent.
So, what’s the catch? How do you make money?
Our secret power is patience. We will lose money for a couple of years. We will make money later. To be the ultimate Referral Source for real estate professionals, we must have vast coverage. The only way we can build the network that you need and trust, is by giving everyone a free Profile. There will be some Members who want the extra coverage and exposure who will invest a little money to do so. You get your Profile for Free, for Ever, for Real. And we build a world-class network.
Click the link now to Enter Your One Free Profile.
Now that you have a FREE Profile, you may want to increase the referrals you receive. If you live in Humboldt, Saskatchewan (population 5,870) or Humboldt, Tennessee (population 8,450) or Guevea de Humboldt, Oaxaca (population 5,283) ; there are not too many large suburbs or nearby towns and cities to be concerned about. If, however, you are in a larger center, clients and agents may want a referral agent in the major metro area or in one of the associated suburbs. In that case, it may be worth the small investment ($150 each) to have your Profile appear in one or more additional communities, towns or cities.
Click here to Enter Your Additional Profile(s).
Once a year we hold a Top Ten Brainstorm event at some interesting location. These have become a “must-go” get-a-way for a large number of Referral Source Members and Top Ten Members. The next Brainstorm is tentatively planned for March in Playa de Los Cocos (Coconut Beach) in Nayarit, Mexico. Watch your email for update
Click to Send a Preregistration Email Today.
We want to hear. The referral agent you worked with wants to hear. Good or great (or, rarely, not quite so great), please tell us your opinion
Click to Review An Agent
We have worked hard to make the Referral Source “Your Best Source of Referrals,” for finding agents to send referrals to and for you getting more referrals. However, we know that in everything there is always some room for improvement. We award ONE CREDIT if we use your suggestion and you were first
Click here to Tell Us How We Can Improve.
We give you ONE CREDIT if you are first to report a typo, grammatical or spelling error.
We also award ONE CREDIT if you are first to report a broken link or web malfunction.
Click here to Report Errors.
Every agent featured in the Referral Source has agreed to abide by the following:
I will work to the best of my ability to help the referred buyer or seller.
I will update the referring agent regularly throughout the transaction.
I will be sure my brokerage pays the agreed referral fee upon closing.
I will abide by the applicable NAR, CREA or AMPI Code of Ethics.
I will send my next referral for her/his service area to the sending agent.
Click here to Let Us Know What Other Requirements Should Be in this Code.
The Referral Source is copyright by Top Ten Publishing and all affiliated entities. Top Ten was founded in 1986 by Ken West as a tool for agents to make more money and help agents do a better job for their clients. We will remove an agent who fails to live up to the Referral Code, however, we do not and cannot guarantee the performance of any agent or the payment of referral fees.
Top Ten Publishing operates from Los Cocos, NAY, Keremeos, BC and Las Vegas, NV
Click here To Email Us, or call 702-445-1930 (you might get stuck on hold for a while)
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.
Video Icon
The blue video icon is a live link to a You Tube video.
The gray video icon indicates that we have not yet posted this video and we need your help.
We need a host for each video. You will have a few seconds on screen and the rest will be a voice-over while this function is demonstrated on screen.
We are not looking for the next big on-screen star. You will even get a script that you can read.
This is a powerful opportunity to have a large number of Members get to know you a bit better.