So, what’s the catch? How do you make money?
Our secret power is patience. We plan to lose money for a couple of years so we can make money later.
To be the ultimate Referral Source for real estate professionals, we must have vast coverage.
The only way we can build the network that you need and trust, is by giving everyone a free Profile.
There will be Members who want greater coverage and exposure who will invest a little money to do so.
You get your Profile for Free, for Ever, for Real.
And we build a world-class network. Everyone wins!
Step - By - Step Guides
Although we have tried to keep the input for your free Basic - Profile as simple as possible, you may find the Guides helpful.
The video takes less than five minutes.
If you prefer, you can print out the PDF to guide you through.
All Fields are Required
Pressing tab after inputting one field takes you to the next field.
First Name
This is the name your friends call you, not necessarily your legal name that is on your real estate license.
Last Name
This is your Last Name. This is probably what is shown on your real estate license.
This is the one phone you are most likely to answer.
The sending agent may not be willing or able to wait for tomorrow afternoon to tell you about the client they want to refer to you.
Your one primary email address, the one you check several times each day.
NOTE: Email is not case sensitive. Because of that fact, we use upper and lower case letters in email addresses. This makes the email easier to read.
This is the brokerage you are licensed with.
If the name is unusually long, we will probably need to edit for space.
Birth Day And Month
Please indicate your day and month of birth.
We do not need your year of birth.
Service Area
This is the ONE most important (to you and to your referred clients) metro area (no multiple hyphenated areas), city, town or community that you service.
If you list more than one area in one Profile, it could crash or freeze the search engine. Therefore, we will disable any Profile that includes multiple areas.
State or Province
Select from the alphabetical list.
USA followed by Canada followed by Mexico.
This order is determined by the number of Members we have in each country.
You have approximately 25 words (up to 140 characters) to explain why an agent should send their referrals to you.
You cannot use this space to list any service areas or discuss or even mention referral fees offered.
Referral fees should be negotiated and agreed upon at the time the referral is assigned.
We reserve the right to edit for space, service areas and referral fees.
The photo must be a jpg or png file.
Size should be no greater than 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm by 5 cm).
Resolution should be 72 dots per inch but no greater than 150 dpi.
This is to be professional “head shot.” The picture, not text, should be the dominant element. We reserve the right to remove inappropriate photographs.
A big, happy, friendly smile wins far more referrals than a serious, unapproachable “professional” look.
What is this “Sponsor” thing? Do I need one?
No, you don’t “need” a sponsor, however, there is a real benefit to having a sponsor.
By entering your Sponsor’s info, both you and your Sponsor get a Credit which can be used towards an additioal Profile .
It only takes three Credits for that additional Profile.
Every additional Profile features a different service area, increasing your odds of getting more referrals.
Whether you choose an additional Profile or not, you still have your Basic-Profile for Free, for Ever, for Real.
Your State or Provincial Real Estate License
Many states and Provinces require you to disclose your Real Estate License Number in all communications with the public.
Please indicate in this field the required statement.
For example, in Nevada it is as follows:
NV Lic # S.12345 So that is what you would enter.
If you are licensed in two states or provinces:
NV Lic # S.12345 and TX Lic # A.876543
Even if your state or province does not require this, when they do, you want to be prepared so please fill in your license number(s).
Your User Name is Your Email Address
This is permanently assigned and can not be changed.
Like all email addresses, this is not case sensitive.
Create Your Password
This can be changed on the Log In page from the My Account button in the upper right. Then click on “Change Your Access”
Your Password must include at least:
eight characters.
one upper case letter A - Z
one lower case letter a - z
one number 0-9
one special character
Unlike email addresses, passwords are case sensitive.
Re-Enter Your Password
Please re-enter your Password, exactly as previously.
Review Your Profile
The preview is a rough approximation of the way your Profile will appear to real estate agents looking to send referrals to your indicated Service Area.
Your Profile will be reviewed and may be subject to editing for space, service areas and content.
When you submit your Profile, you become a Member of Top Ten, Your best source of referrals since 1986.
Welcome. We are excited to have you as an important part of the best Agent’s Referral Network ever.