Once you find a great agent to refer to, come back here to this Search page and click.
All Needs Currently Satisfied. Thanks to everyone for the help.
How To Do a Better Search
If you search for a Metro area (e.g., Chicago), you will probably get more agents.
If you search for a specific city or town or community (e.g., Naperville), you will get fewer agents but they will probably be more focused on that area.
The best tactic is to first search very specifically – community, town or city
If that doesn’t produce a suitable agent, then expand to a city or metro area.
If you still don’t find an agent, post your city and state or province to the Needs-Alert.
Why Do We Need State or Province?
If do not include state or province, you could get some rather odd results such as:
Toronto, California
Denver, Nova Scotia
or San Francisco, Nayarit, MX.
No Results? Email the Referral Hot Link.
We issue a System-Wide Needs Alert within 24 hours.
In most cases, one of our members will know a great agent in that location.
We will forward the results to you
If you know a great agent in a location listed, please email us the contact information in the System-Wide Needs Alert section.
You will be helping the agent who needs to send the referral, the agent who receives the referral and the client. Thank you!
So, what’s the catch? How do you make money?
Our secret power is patience. We plan to lose money for a couple of years so we can make money later.
To be the ultimate Referral Source for real estate professionals, we must have vast coverage
The only way we can build the network that you need and trust, is by giving everyone a free profile.
There will be Members who want greater coverage and exposure who will invest a little money to do so.
You get your Profile for Free, for Ever, for real And we build a world-class network. Everyone wins!